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Why Have Prices Increased?

Without a doubt, the question I get asked most often is How’s the market? This question can mean many different things, depending on what the person asking the question has in mind. It can mean How much is my house worth? or Is it a good time to sell? It might be a reference to […]

Buyer Balks – Who Gets Deposit?

It used to be that you could buy a house on a handshake or with a $500 deposit. You can still do that in certain places, but not in Toronto. It’s now not uncommon to see deposits of $50,000-$100,000 or more. While this could be seen as a somewhat sad comment on the morals of […]

Use Technology Wisely

True story: When my friend asked her husband why he wasn’t returning his emails, he said “Because I’m not going to get caught up in that fad.” Funny? Yes, but also very telling. Whether email is a fad or not isn’t the point. The point is that he’s not using email because he doesn’t find […]

Technology & Real Estate

There’s no question that technology is a fabulous tool to use in real estate and that improvements are being made all the time. In fact, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that technology has changed how people buy and sell homes over the past 10 years and will probably instigate even bigger changes in […]

Win the Bidding War!

Last night my clients offered on a nicely renovated house in Allenby. They loved it, but so did 21 other potential buyers. That’s right. There were 22 offers! Fortunately, the sellers chose my clients’ offer over all the others and they got the home of their dreams. While luck always plays a part in these […]