Price, Location or House – You Pick!

This is the story of Bobby and Sue, but it could just as easily be the story of me or you. In fact, it was MY story when Katherine and I were in the market a little over 10 years ago.

Why do so many of us have such similar buying experiences? Because it doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a $500,000 condo or a $4,000,000 home, you’re probably going to ask yourself “Is that all I get for my money?” numerous times during the process.

Things usually go one of two ways when you start looking for a home. Group 1: You look at homes in your price range, they match the description of your dream home and you realize you’ll be able to afford the type of home you want. You may not get the first home you offer on, but you know that it’s just a matter of time before you get your dream home. Group 2: You look at homes in your price range, you realize they don’t resemble your dream home in the slightest, you ask yourself “Is that all I get for my money?” and you start to feel nervous. If this sounds like you, take a deep breath and relax. There’s no need to panic. Almost all of us have been in Group 2 and lived to tell the tale. Group 1 is a very small group.

Bobby and Sue were in Group 2. Let’s look at how things worked out for them because their adventure will provide you with some helpful tips if you ever find yourself in the same situation and will show you that everything will work out just fine.

When you find that the homes you’re seeing aren’t to your liking it’s often because you need to change one of three things – your price, your location or your house. Put another way, you need to pay more money, look in a less expensive location or buy a smaller or less renovated house.

Bobby and Sue started off looking for a detached home with at least 3 bedrooms, 3 washrooms and a family room in the John Wanless area. They looked at older homes with additions and newer homes that were somewhat dated, but quickly realized that the homes they were seeing weren’t nice enough. So what did they do? They increased their budget. First change: Price.

They then considered 5-10 year old custom homes with 3 or 4 bedrooms, 4 washrooms and family rooms. These homes were nicer, but they weren’t large enough. The budget was tight and prices in John Wanless were very high so Bobby and Sue broadened their search to include the neighbourhood west of Avenue Road where they would be able to find larger homes within their budget. Second change: Location.

We looked at homes in that neighbourhood for quite a while because it contains a broad range of sizes, styles and prices. It turned out that the smaller homes, which were larger than the homes in John Wanless, weren’t quite large enough so they increased their budget again. Third change: Price. They were able to do this because the value of their current home was increasing and because their incomes had increased during the couple years we had been looking.

Bobby and Sue looked some more and settled on the size of home they wanted, but a new home of that size was out of their price range. Now they had to choose between size and new. They decided to pick size because they could always renovate an older home to their own taste some time down the road. Fourth change: House.

But we were in a rising market and eventually even this type of home began to stretch the budget. What was going to give next? Price, location or house?

It didn’t take long to find out. We found a home that was larger than the homes at which we’d been looking. It was slightly older and on a slightly busy street, but it was within their budget even after the renovations they hoped to do. They decided that it was worth sacrificing a quiet street for this home and said “”Let’s make an offer!” Fifth change: Location.

Bobby was in charge of finances and determined that the price they could afford to pay and still do the renovations they wanted to do was lower than list price. Sue and I were skeptical about their offer being accepted, but after some skillful negotiating, we had a deal. Bobby proved us wrong and he and Sue are now very excited about their new home.

So what should you take away from their story? A few things:

  1. This market is frustrating for almost all buyers, not just you.
  2. Finding the home that’s right for you is a process. Start early, maintain an upbeat attitude like Bobby and Sue, and be patient.
  3. Almost everyone compromises along the way. Be prepared to make good decisions like Bobby and Sue did. Remember – whether it’s price, location or house, something will have to give.
  4. It might take longer than you hope, but things will work out in the end.

And if you happen to know anyone who’s looking for the kind of real estate help that involves honest answers, straightforward advice, no pressure and being treated like family, please let me know the best way for me to connect with them because I’d like to offer them this kind of help. And as always, don’t be shy if you have any questions or comments about this post! Thanks for reading.

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