Technology & Real Estate

There’s no question that technology is a fabulous tool to use in real estate and that improvements are being made all the time. In fact, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that technology has changed how people buy and sell homes over the past 10 years and will probably instigate even bigger changes in the future. However, it’s always important to remember that real estate is a people business. Technology is good for disseminating and collecting information, but real estate also involves people’s emotions and requires the ability to look at data and analyze it in a way that takes people’s wants and needs into account. Last I checked, there’s no technology that can do this. So when you’re thinking of buying or selling, remember that while it’s important for your agent to be up to date with the latest USEFUL technology, it’s even more important for your agent to have excellent people, negotiating and analytical skills. There’s no sense hiring techno-geek as your agent, because, until machines can buy and sell homes, your agent will need to interact with other humans.

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